Birth Control Options and Counseling
Hormonal IUDs (Mirena®, Liletta®, Skyla®, Kyleena®)and Non-Hormonal IUD (Paragard®)
Implant (Nexplanon®)
Depo-Provera® Shot
Nuva Ring®
The Patch
Pills (Combination and progesterone-only pills)
Free Condoms & Free Emergency Contraception (Plan B)
You do not need to be a patient to get these!
Pregnancy testing & options counseling
GYN Exams and Male Exams
STI testing & Treatment
HPV Vaccine ages 19-26
Our health education team can tailor a presentation for any type of environment or topic that is requested. We often go into the schools during health classes, community centers, youth groups, rehabilitation centers and post-rehabilitation programs/facilities, and fellow agencies.
Topics we can talk about are:
FPS services, birth control options, sexually transmitted infections (prevention, symptoms, testing, treatment), decision making, risky sexual behaviors, healthy relationships, puberty, hygiene, and consent.
For more information on any education/presentations, please contact